Interactive, Experiential Design Promotes Water Sustainability for Grundfos

Grundfos  |  Manufacturing


Water is transformational. It powers businesses, supply chains, agriculture and more. Grundfos is not just the largest pump manufacturer in the world. The company is dedicated to respecting, protecting and advancing water equity for people, businesses and the planet — and to contributing to the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals on clean water and sanitation (goal 6) and climate action (goal 13).

The Mx Group took the time to understand our business and our vision of water sustainability. As storytellers, they brought our company history and passion for driving energy-efficient, sustainable solutions to life. Now, everyone from company leadership, employees and Brookshire visitors can engage in an interactive and immersive experience of our history and learn about the importance of water accessibility.
Dieter Sauer  //  Group Senior Vice President, Global Water Utility at Grundfos


Based in Denmark, the pump giant broke ground in late spring of 2020 on a new global Water Utility headquarters in Brookshire, Texas. Grundfos partnered with The Mx Group to create an immersive celebration of water sustainability.

The firm’s North American hub sought the prestigious Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification for the building. LEED-certified buildings are proven to save money, improve efficiency, lower carbon emissions and create healthier places for people. LEED-certified facilities address the climate crisis; meet environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) goals; and support more equitable communities.


We collaborated with C&G Partners — a multi-specialty creative studio — to shape the project experience. We needed to prioritize user needs and define the Grundfos brand. Additionally, we identified and managed vendors for the creative and experiential deliverables.

The experiential design had to tell the Grundfos story, provide warmth and hospitality, represent the company’s place in the community, and inspire employees and visitors. The facility had to function as a corporate office, not a museum. The stories and experiences needed to support the functional uses of the space and align with Grundfos’ minimalistic design. There had to be a water-like path painted throughout the building while incorporating moments of interactive surprise and delight.

Grundfos Brookshire, Texas experiential design


We packaged our knowledge of role definitions and user personas with content development, brand messaging, creative design and digital expertise. This allowed us to create a unique, living tribute to water and how Grundfos honors that history.

The centerpiece of the exhibition design is a sinuous line that connects a series of product displays. Statement pieces about sustainability, history, innovation and global scope surround the displays. The adjacent entry lobby features a series of exhibits that highlight the technology of the building itself. The lobby’s highlight is an eye-catching purpose statement against a green wall accompanied by a sculptural mobile of the ALPHA pumps for which Grundfos is well known.

Grundfos lobby Brookshire, Texas

The visitor center’s design allows for constant evolution. The approach to product display includes a “kit of parts” that can be customized to account for different product types. Similarly, the global map section of the exhibit contains magnetic graphics that create space for growth and change. Digital platforms like touch screens and monitors allow for easily updatable systems.

The exhibits also needed to cultivate empathy around water scarcity. One such display, “The Weight of Water,” demonstrates the dramatic impact of water availability. It allows visitors to figuratively walk in the shoes of a woman or child that must journey 3.5 miles a day while carrying a 5-gallon jug (or 40 pounds) of water. The exhibit asks participants to pick up a jug and, “imagine carrying that for miles, every day, just for water.”

Grundfos weight of water exhibit


The Brookshire facility was officially awarded a Platinum LEED certification (the highest recognition). As a unified team, The Mx Group and C&G Partners helped to plan and design the exhibition for a dynamic, multimedia building experience. The facility’s grand opening was in November 2022 and it continues to host visitors daily — educating employees and guests about the impact of water on everyday life.

Grundfos Toward Tomorrow wall
Grundfos experiential design with products
Grundfos product display
Grundfos educational design
Grundfos every drop
Grundfos water sustainability wall

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