Culture and Values

There’s More to Our Work Than the Work Itself.

Who we are, how we show up and what it feels like to be part of this team all matter. Our values represent the behaviors and expectations we hold each other accountable to every day.

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Living Our Values

Self-improvement is critical because change starts at the granular level.”
Manu Nair
Lead Quality Assurance Analyst
Empathy is so important. We must remember that regardless of the situation or the person you’re dealing with, what’s most important is that you honor the other perspective.”
Megan Ryan
Senior Account Manager
“When some people hear diversity, they hear they’re being pushed out. I think diversity is a matter of making a situation look the way the rest of the world actually looks.”
Brannon Michael Smith
Senior Copywriter
“The one thing that we strive for most as creatives is innovation — making sure that we’re always coming up with new ideas and new ways of thinking.”
Kyrsten Benoit
Associate Creative Director

Our Values in Action

Day of Service

On Monday, January 15, we united for our third annual Day of Service. Our Day of Service is an opportunity for us to live our values in a tangible way while honoring Martin Luther King Jr.’s  legacy of service.

Sarah’s Inn

For eight years and counting, MX has been proud to partner with Sarah’s Inn for a company-wide holiday-giving initiative. Together, our team members were able to send 72 gift-filled bags valued at approximately $50 each.

Let’s make an impact together.