Sales and Marketing Alignment

Break Down Siloed Thinking.

Sales and marketing teams share an ultimate goal: to generate business growth. But rarely do they share a perspective or process for achieving it. This lack of collaboration can cause frustration, finger-pointing and serious pipeline problems.

How We Can Help:

Market Definition and Sizing

We can help uncover your addressable market. From there, we’ll help ensure your goals are achievable and realistic and develop a market penetration strategy for the specific buyer types you sell to.

Demand Forecasting

A steady flow of qualified leads is one of every marketer’s biggest responsibilities. To help you get there, we’ll start with the end goal in mind. We map your revenue goal into a demand model, then calculate how many leads are needed at every stage to reach that goal.

SLA Development and Implementation

After defining a lead, it’s time to determine how to act on it. We’ll help you draft a service-level agreement (SLA) to define expectations for your teams. This holds marketing accountable for lead generation, sales accountable for follow-up and both teams accountable for revenue.

Sales Tools and Support

We create tools that filter prospect data based on criteria you select into playbooks that support your reps, create all-in-one online hubs to host these and other resources, and design quote and proposal generators that eliminate manual effort.

Ready for better collaboration?