
Telemarketing: Your Secret Weapon for Demand Gen

In an age when modern marketing dominates content and conversations, tried-and-true tactics like telemarketing are often left out. But don’t make this mistake! What we’ve seen firsthand with many B2B clients is that they can overcome their toughest demand generation challenges, and get better results from their modern marketing efforts like ABM, by leveraging telemarketing.

Kerry Cunningham, research director at SiriusDecisions, concurs. “We all know the research that’s out there that says that a large percentage of the buyer’s journey is conducted online — and that is true, but with two important caveats: Our research shows that buyers want to talk to live human beings all throughout their journeys, and nearly half of all interactions buyers have with sellers are still with real people,” he explains.

Hear Real-World B2B Telemarketing Success Stories

Recently, we hosted a webinar focusing on this very topic. Kerry and Kelly Olson, our in-house strategic telemarketing expert, review how telemarketing can help streamline your lead management and demand generation efforts. “Our clients are seeing huge successes with telemarketing — it’s improving their lead quantity and quality, increasing their ROI from events, and even playing a key role in their ABM,” Kelly says.

In this on-demand webinar, we take a closer look at this underestimated marketing tactic, and show how it can:

  • Help drive more qualified leads and close more deals
  • Support your inbound and outbound efforts, as well as your channel, third-party reps and inside sales
  • Enhance the results of other marketing efforts

Enjoy this webinar and get in touch if we can answer any of your telemarketing questions.